Compliment Relay June 2024 by Younghoon Jeong, Senior Researcher of MONITORAPP | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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Compliment Relay June 2024 by Younghoon Jeong, Senior Researcher of MONITORAPP










hello. This is MONITORAPP.
It's the end of June, which means the peak of summer is just around the corner.

As I always feel whenever Compliment Relay comes around, the months seem to fly by.
Let's take a look at the June Compliment Relay picks from May's Compliment Relay runner, Insoo Jin!

Our June Compliment Relay runner is Younghoon Jeong, a senior researcher at the Security Control Center (SOC) in the Product Management Division.
Let's meet him in an interview!



Q1. You're the June Compliment Relay runner. 🙂 Could you give us a brief introduction?

It's already been 2 years and 2 months since I joined the company, and I feel like time has flown by.

I'm Younghoon Jeong, a senior researcher at AIONCLOUD, and I'm busy managing the AIONCLOUD platform, customer support, and internal computer infrastructure.

Q2. Congratulations on being selected as a Compliment Relay runner~ How has the mood of MONITORAPP changed over the past two years?

Actually, I rejoined MONITORAPP and I have +2 years of previous experience, so I think I adapted quickly.

There is a perception that MONITORAPP has relatively more meetings than other companies, but I think they emphasize communication between departments through these meetings.

I think that's why we have a culture of free communication between departments.

Q3. What was the best (or worst) part of your job?

There is one episode: I made a mistake not long after I joined the company and deliciously (?) reset one of the portal DBs to an unrecoverable state.

A lot of people reassured me that it was okay, and one of the employees made a rather playful joke about having "my coworker".

But the joke actually made me laugh and I remember feeling a little more relaxed.

Since then, I've been more careful when working with computers.

Q4. How does it feel to be selected as a Compliment Relay runner and why do you think you were nominated?

It's a good feeling, but it also made me reflect on myself, questioning whether I really did anything to deserve the Compliment.

Still, it feels good to be selected.

I was nominated because... As I said, I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure if I'm really worthy of being a Compliment Relay Runner.

What I do know is that I've been proactive when I can and when I can be helpful, and I think that's true of anyone, and I think that someone appreciated that and made a good impression.

It's not just me, but I think all of us at MONITORAPP are helpful and grateful to each other.


Q5. In July, the beginning of the second half of 2024, what do you most want to accomplish in MONITORAPP for the rest of the year?

We're currently a bit short on SOC talent, and my goal for the rest of the year is to bring in the necessary talent so that we can better serve our customers.

Q6. How would you like to see MONITORAPP grow in about 5 years and do you have any wishes for the company?

MONITORAPP is already recognized as a leader in the application security business in Korea.

So in 5 years, I hope that we will be recognized as a global leader, not just in Korea, and I hope that AIONCLOUD will be a part of the SECaaS part.

Q7. What are the two keywords you recommend to those who want to join MONITORAPP?


Learning space: You can learn a lot about 'Application security'.

Fierce debate: A culture where fierce positive debate is possible before communication/collaboration.


Q8. Do you have any last words to share?

I wish all of us at MONITORAPP are always healthy and enjoy working together~.


We would like to thank Dr. Younghoon Jeong for his sincere interview despite his work schedule.

We'll be back in July for the compliments.

Thank you.

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