2024 MONITORAPP Company Meeting | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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2024 MONITORAPP Company Meeting










hello. This is MONITORAPP.

We're halfway through the second half of 2024. Are you on track to accomplish all the things you set out to do this year?

If not, we hope July is a good month to take stock and revisit your goals.

As regular readers of the MONITORAPP blog will know, we have an annual company-wide retreat called the

We are operating a program called the company-wide meeting once a year.

various systems and improvement activities, and this year, many stories were discussed.

As various opinions have been proposed, I think I can confidently say that we are making steady changes in various areas, such as personnel evaluation, expansion of welfare systems, infrastructure improvement, and specific background explanations on issues that require mutual understanding.












This year, we collected feedback in advance through an anonymous channel, and the topics of feedback were infrastructure, culture, innovation,

growth (individual/organizational), welfare, and other regulations, and we had about two hours to share our thoughts and ideas.













We are constantly worried about how to effectively bring out the stories that are on the minds of our members at the meetings,

but despite this, we are grateful that there are many members who actively talk and exchange their thoughts.

I am grateful that many of our members are actively talking and exchanging their thoughts with each other, creating the potential for MONITORAPP to grow and change once again.

These valuable suggestions not only play an important role in broadening our understanding of each other, but also reinforce the keyword of communication, which is the basis of MONITORAPP's core value.

communication, which is the foundation of MonitorLab's core values.

We look forward to watching the growth of MonitorLab as a culture of interaction through the voluntary efforts of these members!

Thank you~.

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