Compliment Relay July 2024 by Sichan Roh, Senior Researcher of MONITORAPP | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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Compliment Relay July 2024 by Sichan Roh, Senior Researcher of MONITORAPP










hello. This is MONITORAPP.

How are you doing in July, the season of heat and rainy season?

It's been a hot and humid July, but we hope you've been able to handle it.

July is also the month of the Praise Relay.

Let's take a look at our June Praise Relay runner, Younghoon Jung, and his July Praise Relay recommendations!

The July PraiseRelay runner is Mr. Sichan Roh, a senior researcher in the WP team in the SaaS division!

Let's get to the interview!



Q1. Congratulations on being selected as a July PraiseRelay runner. Could you please introduce yourself?

Thank you for your congratulations. I am Sichan Roh, who has been working at MONITORAPP for 10 years this year. I'm currently in charge of AIONCLOUD Website Protection, and I joined MONITORAPP right after graduating from university, and it seems like I got the gift of being a Praise Relay runner as a gift for my 10th anniversary.^^


Q2. Since you've been with MONITORAPP for 10 years, I'd like to know more about its history and culture.

First of all, I think anyone who is interested in MONITORAPP knows that it has been growing steadily.

There's quite a difference between the size of the company 10 years ago when I joined and now. In terms of the atmosphere at MONITORAPP, I'm from a research lab, so I'm focused on product development... I think it's the most important culture that we can fully focus on development, which is the essence of why we gathered at MONITORAPP. However, I think it's a disadvantage that there are a lot of meetings in the process. I think it can also be seen as a lot of internal communication.


Q3. Can you share a memorable episode from your 10 years of service?

In terms of good memories, I remember winning the Best Employee Award at the beginning of my career, which is something that stuck with me because only one person can win the award per year.

On the other hand, I also remember struggling with a customer issue in my previous department.

I can't remember exactly what it was, but I remember struggling with it for a few weeks, and I think it brought me closer to my coworkers as we worked through it together.


Q4. How did it feel to be selected as a Praise Relay runner and why do you think your coworkers chose you?

It's awkward, but it feels good to be praised. :)

I think that since I've been working in the lab, my coworkers have seen me take a proactive approach to development and issue handling. In fact, most of the people who work at MONITORAPP are sincere and proactive in their work, but I think it was Dr. Oh, who recommended me, who took a second look at me.


Q5. What do you most want to accomplish at MONITORAPP in the remaining time of 2024?

AIONCLOUD WAAP is our most important goal to provide more stable and advanced services.

We are still working hard on it, but I would like it to be more stable. I would like to further upgrade the WAAP and ultimately increase its share in the global market.


Q6. How would you like to see MONITORAPP grow in the medium term in 5 years and what do you wish for MONITORAPP?

I know that the tenure of employees is steadily increasing due to the recent growth and stabilization.

I would like to see the number of long-term employees like me, who have been working at MONITORAPP for more than 10 years, increase and our products become widely known and serviced.


Q7. 2 keywords to recommend to those who want to join MONITORAPP!

From a developer perspective, if you want to develop L7 Layer Proxy, I would highly recommend it.

MONITORAPP's technology is highly recognized when it comes to proxy.

And good communication between members!


Q8. Do you have any last words to share?

I've been working at MONITORAPP for 10 years now. I hope all the members will continue to work together and watch the growth of MONITORAPP together, and I hope all the employees are happy~.



Thank you, Sichan Roh, for your kind words, and PraiseRelay will be back in August!

Thank you.

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