Compliment Relay May 2024 by Insoo Jin, Senior researcher of ADVANTAPP | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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Compliment Relay May 2024 by Insoo Jin, Senior researcher of ADVANTAPP









Hello, We are MONITORAPP.

It's a beautiful day with sunny skies for the most active time of the year.


The May Compliment Relay has arrived, which means that May is almost over.

We hope you're taking advantage of this sunny time of year to make memories with good people!

The winner of April's Compliment Relay was Seungho Na from the Communication team in Marketing.

Let's see which coworker he nominated.   


For May's Compliment Relay, it's Insoo Jin from ADVANTAPP, a partner company of MONITORAPP

let's get to know him in an interview!


Q1. Congratulations on being selected as the May Compliment Relay runner. Could you give us a brief introduction?


Hello, I'm Insoo Jin, a senior researcher at ADVANTAPP, a partner company of MONITORAPP.

I've been working here for less than a year, about 9 months, and I'm overwhelmed to receive such a compliment.

ADVANTAPP is an organization that provides innovative software solutions (business collaboration tools) and develops technologies optimized for various industries.

I am in charge of the development and operation of AIWorks, and I am also responsible for the management system for the service.   


Q2. As you mentioned, you've been working at ADVANTAPP for less than a year, so how would you describe the culture and mood of ADVANTAPP and MONITORAPP from a fresh perspective?   


Since ADVANTAPP is a part of MONITORAPP, we seem to have almost the same culture.

First of all, I felt that the employees were polite and considerate in various ways.

Even though I've been here for a short period of time, I would say that the cooperation and communication between members is smooth and opinions are respected.

I am particularly impressed by the culture of freely suggesting ideas and solving problems through discussion.         










Q3. What have been the best (or worst) parts of your job?   


The best part has been the sense of accomplishment that comes from introducing new technologies and applying them to real-world projects.

On the other hand, I think the hardest part was getting used to different systems and tools in the beginning.

To overcome this, I received help through active communication with my seniors, and I think I was able to adapt quickly through a lot of learning on my own.   


Q4. How does it feel to be selected as a Compliment Relay runner and why do you think you were nominated?   


I think everyone loves to be recognized, but I love to receive compliments even more, so it's great.

I was chosen because... I think it's because of the encouragement and support for me.

I'm sure this encouragement and support will help me to grow and develop further, and I'm sure it will be a catalyst for me to spread positive trends within the organization.   


Q5. What do you most want to accomplish this year?


In 2024, my goal is to further develop AIWorks and introduce new features and services that will bring even greater value to our customers.

I also want to collaborate with our team to build a more efficient development process and drive growth for the organization!


Q6. Where do you see ADVANTAPP in about 5 years and what do you hope it will be like?   


In 5 years, I would like to see ADVANTAPP grow into a software development company where the software we develop is well-reviewed and we have gained many customers while retaining enough of our existing customers to satisfy all users.

I also hope that ADVANTAPP’s products will be established and developed in various industries!







Q7. What are the two keywords you recommend to those who want to join ADVANTAPP and MONITORAPP?   


Infinite possibilities: maximize growth through a stable and efficient development process

Cooperation and communication: Creating an environment where we can grow together through smooth communication and cooperation between employees

I think these are the most important keywords. :)

We would like to thank Insoo Jin for taking the time out of his busy schedule to participate in this interview.

Compliment Relay will come back again in June.

Thank you~.

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