AIONCLOUD is a web security service, providing WAF and SITECHECKER service. Then what is web? Why has it become so important? And why do you need to protect it? When we say IT, we can divide it into three sector. The network, the system, and the application. Network sector handles the transaction and the communication while system handles the platform. The application sector provides the protocols and service, etc. This application sector is basically what we call web. In order to secure the web, it’s important to protect all three of them. However, since 90% of the web attack is based on the application, application sector should be made top priority. Then what is web attack? The definition of web attack is quite broad, but mainly it attacks the vulnerability of the application. Problem is, compare to network and system, the application is quite difficult to protect. Each company (or individual) has its own infrastructure and operation method, so there can’t be any “general concept of web security”. Let’s take web application as a house. Every house has its own looks, own room and structures. If web attack is considered to be a burglary, it’s almost impossible to guarantee 100% safety. Even if you have door locks and alarm system and everything, if one is committed to steal something from the house, you are most likely to be robbed. If you truly want to be safe from being the victim, you must understand your own house and learn the method to protect it. Secure coding may be the beginning of this. Secure coding is the fundamental of the web. By coding the web with secure coding means to develop the web with least amount of vulnerability. Constructing a house with short amount of time is one thing, but building it without proper base might lead the attackers to simply break down the wall. Next is inspection. After building a house, of course you will need to check for holes or any kind of defective. WMD service provides this function, by providing you with the information whether you house is leaking or any hidden routes to your house access. Finally, web application firewall. WAF will work as a wall that surrounds your house. WAF will detect any attacks or breach attempts. In order to properly run your WAF, you must set your own security policy so that your house can welcome guest and block out attackers. AIONCLOUD WAF service can provide you with various security policies which enable you to establish most sophisticated security, along with automated updates on blocking latest threats. With profound proxy technology, you will have no problem accessing your guest to your house as well.