MONITORAPP Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform - AILabs | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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MONITORAPP Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform – AILabs









AILabs is a cyber threat intelligence platform developed and operated by the CTI division of MONITORAPP Research Institute.

It was called AICC until two years ago, but it was renamed AILabs last year and has been evolving through continuous advancement.

There have been many changes and developments, not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of functionality,

and there are many new features that we are planning and thinking about in the future.

What is AILabs?
















AILabs is an integrated platform that provides unstructured threat data collected from various sources of feed channels,

big data, and multi-dimensional analysis and refined threat intelligence using a sophisticated engine with artificial intelligence.

AILabs does a lot of work for MONITORAPP's products and services, but we also put a lot of effort into making it universally usable.



The structure of AILabs












The lifecycle of AILabs is not much different than the lifecycle of threat intelligence in general.

It operates as a continuous, iterative process, starting with requirements,

and moving through collection, analysis, processing, distribution, and feedback.​


At its core is an analysis and processing system powered by artificial intelligence and big data,

and a web-based portal that provides a wealth of information.

It's important to note that AI is utilized throughout our analytics engine modules.

While we don't believe AI is a silver bullet, it can be effective enough against unknown threats.















The collection system collects all kinds of unstructured threat data from various channels.

This could be malicious URLs, malicious IPs, phishing URLs, malicious files, malware detection logs, and more.

The analysis and processing system performs multi-dimensional deep analysis of the collected data to find threats.

In addition to traditional static and dynamic analysis, machine learning prediction, similarity analysis, reputation lookup,

and third-party integration are used to derive results.

The deployment system shares threat information refined through collection and analysis in real time.

It is distributed through various routes, including web-based portals, threat information APIs, and OpenData.



Data Status


AILabs collects various reply data, analyzes it effectively, refines it, and stores it in big data.

While a large amount of data is important, it's even more important to have more of the latest data quickly.










The data is as of December 2023, and has grown significantly since 2020, and will continue to grow.



AILabs Portal v5.1









The AILabs web-based portal provides valuable threat intelligence through the informatization of various threat data.

It enables proactive response to various advanced threats, as well as post-incident analysis and information sharing on breaches.

The portal can be viewed without logging in, but the functionality is limited, so it is recommended to sign up and log in.














The dashboard in the AILabs portal provides an intuitive view of the status of threat data collection and analysis.


AILabs API v1.0


The AILabs API is a feature for paid subscribers that allows you to integrate threat intelligence via a Rest API.

The analysis and query functions found in the portal are still implemented, and many features will be added in the future as the analysis engine is advanced.


















AILabs offers more features to paid subscription users.

For free users, many features are limited and the API is not available.

For paid subscriptions, you can either contact us directly to sign a contract or use our Stripe payment system, which allows you to easily pay by card.















OpenData Feed


We're making available in the open at the beginning of each day a generic form of data that is natively responsive to the latest cyber threats, which we call OpenData.

This data is fragmented and not in the context of the cyber threat, so additional intelligence is required.

We're making it available through the portal and a separate link, and we're also making it available through GitHub.













If you're interested, you can access it.

It can be utilized as a blacklist in security products.



Future plans


In the future, we expect threat intelligence to continue to evolve in different environments with automation, artificial intelligence,

big data, collaboration, multi-dimensional analysis, and decision-making processes to improve our ability to respond to emerging threats.

















We have a lot of different thoughts and plans.

I would say the biggest change will be in the direction of significantly increasing the weight of artificial intelligence in our analytics module.

We are constantly thinking, planning, designing, and executing on modernization.

We want to make sure that we can provide really valuable intelligence based on the latest threat data and information.

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