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MONITORAPP Spring Workshop 2023 (feat. Sports day)


Hello, We are MONITORAPP.

April is coming to a close, and with it comes the start of May, which is National Family Month. We wish you all the best for the month of May, which will be filled with many holidays and taking care of your loved ones.

MONITORAPP often tries to have time for executives and employees to know each other.

The workshop is also being held as part of that culture

This year's workshop was held at the Hongwon Training Center in Paju as a sports event.

Would you like to feel the workshop with a picture?


First of all, it's essential to warm up before exercising, right? It's been a while since I warmed up with national gymnastics.

    After the warm-up, we played the OX game to warm up game. Those who survived the OX quiz won 50,000 won in food vouchers, and the fun day began. In the first hour, we played soccer and dodgeball. The soccer was really... It's been a long time since I played soccer, so it was really hard to play for even 20 minutes.    

In the afternoon, there were a number of events that required cooperation between teams.

Especially, it's been a long time since I played tug-of-war, but I think it was a good opportunity to join forces together. :)       Finally, after the sports day, we had dinner and awarded the winners and runners-up. Each team captain participated in the awards. As a prize, food voucher will be given to all members of the team. (We're sending them as mobile gift certificates to make it easier to use.)     Finally, a group photo to wrap up the day. Everyone's faces are pretty tanned from the day. :) It looks like it was a day of fun and laughter, and I hope the next workshop will be even more fun. Thank you~!
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