Hello, We're MONITORAPP.
I came back to share new news.
It seems that the weather has changed significantly recently.
It's not quite freezing, but it's been a winter of warmth and chill.
We hope that spring will come soon, and stay healthy.
MONITORAPP runs a health promotion program every year to help employees take care of their health and improve their health.
Every year, from January to about March, we have been recruiting participants for about 8 weeks,
focusing on quitting smoking and dieting, and paying rewards to those who achieve their goals. :)
This year, we're going to expand the program a little bit by adding more suggestions from employees. We've also added quitting smoking, dieting, and gaining muscle mass to the program. The duration was also set at 180 days, which is close to about 8 weeks to 6 months. Instead of increasing the period, the reward has also increased.Details of this year's The Challenge of 180 days! program are as follows.^^