MONITORAPP released its SSL traffic decryption solution; AISVA(Application Insight SSL Visibility Appliance) on 24th November. SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) protocol which is encrypted version of HTTP protocol amplifying security level is industry standard protocol, used to protect data safely from web browser to web server. It is used broadly in electronic transaction, banking service and most recently, in major search site and social networking sites such as Gmail, Facebook and other SNS applications. With SSL protocol being used in much wider area, Gartner speculates in 2017, 50% of all cyberattack will be done in encrypted traffic. Malware hidden in such encrypted traffic will not be revealed until decryption, which makes pre-existing security equipment to deteriorate; leaving delays on network response speed. SSL visibility appliance resolves this issue by performing high velocity decryption towards encrypted traffic, sending the data to security equipment and at the same time supports security equipment such as firewall, IPS, web firewall and DLP equipment to fully concentrate on detect/block function. The key element of SSL visibility appliance is its performance. SSL traffic visibility equipment’s performance has become more important as 1024 Bits authentication certificate was replaced to 2048 Bits authentication certificate due to security reason. AISVA supports maximum CPS handling function which reveals security blind spot by non-delay network process speed while decryption. SSL visibility appliance supports Inline/mirroring mode deployment like the picture without influencing pre-existing security equipment. Kwanghoo Lee, president of MONITORAPP said “AISVA present management plan for growing number of SSL traffic, allowing higher level of SSL traffic. MONITORAPP will continue to present comprehensive policy-based method interlock product with pre-existing security equipment correspond to encrypted traffic." -Datanet_Sun Ae Kim (http://www.datanet.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=94605)