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Contract to supply AIONCLOUD to Japanese SMB market

▲ MONITORAPP signed partnership contract with Secure Innovation in Japan to supply AIONCLOUD. The photo is Tomoyaki Kurita (left), CEO of Secure Innovation and Lee Kwang-hoo, CEO of MONITORAPP.
MONITORAPP (CEO, Lee Kwang-hoo) signed White Labeling Partnership contract with Secure Innovation (representative Kurita Tomoaki) which is Japanese information security control and consulting company, to supply AIONCLOUD, Web security platform (SECaaS: Security as a Service) to Japan SMB market on 19th. Secure Innovation will receive ‘AIONCLOUD’ service from MONITORAPP in White Label type and provide low-cost cloud-based Web security service for Japanese SMB. MONITORAPP launched AIONCLOUD, platform providing Web security service based on the cloud in 2016. Since then, MONITORAPP has acquired many customers and partners in Korea and abroad through continuous service enhancement, overseas marketing, and White Label partnership. Especially, it works with ‘AICC (Application Insight Cloud Center for Threat Intelligence)’ which is a threat intelligence platform based on its machine learning engine, and provides virtual patch of the latest security features and black IP information, malicious URL / code / file analysis, website forgery monitoring. Yoon Seung-won, director of MONITORAPP, said, “Japanese cloud market is 10 times bigger than Korea, and many Japanese companies successfully supply SECaaS type Web security services to market. So I think that the market potential is high. Through this contract, we will supply MONITORAPP’s cloud-based web security technology to Japanese SMB market as Japanese company’s brand, and overcome insufficient awareness and reliability, and build long-term basis for growth in Japanese market.” [ Source :  IT Daily   Reporter Kwon Jung-soo  |  2018-12-19   | http://www.itdaily.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=92345 ]
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