Spring 2024 Workshop Photo Contest Entries | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD


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Spring 2024 Workshop Photo Contest Entries

Hello, this is MONITORAPP.

It's May, the month of rainy holidays, and the air is fresh with spring. 🙂 .  


In April, we shared the news of the Spring Workshop.

I'd also like to briefly introduce the photo contest that was held during the spring workshop.

In order to get to know each other better, we organized the workshop in groups and gave away prizes through a photo contest.

Let's take a look at some of the photos.


The photo on the left with the executives and the general manager, and the photo submissions from MZ 🙂.


This is how the MZ generation takes photos these days~


Since it's a spring workshop, there are many photos depicting flowers with a fresh background.

The photos were voted on online by all members, and the two highest vote-getters were awarded restaurant gift certificates. (smiles)

Thanks again to everyone for their active participation, and we'll be back with our fall workshop


Thank you!

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