Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) is unquestionably increasing rapidly. SSL and TLS is an encryption standard used to secure internet communication between network application and client. SSL uses a combination of public key and symmetric key encryption to secure a connection between network application and client, typically a web or mail server and client system over the internet. SSL provides encryption and authentication process when server and client send data between them. In order to keep sensitive data secure, SSL establishes an encrypted link and data become unreadable to other after SSL certificates were used. Most enterprises and organizations will continue to increase using SSL traffic due to growing data security. As IT compliance concerns, enterprises and organizations are utilizing more SSL traffic. Cybercriminals are using SSL encryption traffic to attack enterprise. Originally enterprises use SSL traffic to protect sensitive data, but it is being turn to deliver undetected malware, to disrupt secured transaction and to exfiltrate data over encrypted communication channel. Nowadays, most enterprises and organizations could not inspect and decrypt SSL traffic against web threats. As a growing number of using SSL communication to protect sensitive data, enterprises require the ability to monitor large numbers of SSL encrypted communications accurately and detect/block latest web threats. AIONCLOUD is able to handle SSL encryption traffic and provides the similar security feature on incoming and outgoing SSL traffic. With patented proxy technology, AIONCLOUD inspects and decrypts SSL traffic and protects your website against web threats.